Thursday, June 30, 2016

About social skills

173. If one tries to live according to a more sexual reputation than what one feels right and natural for oneself, one easily feels agitated and tired since the relationships and life do not work out as well as they should. So if one wants to be more sexual with roughly all of the opposite sex to get social contacts work out well, the sex roles are good for that, but one should not take whatever role or the most recommended role but instead find the one that is most natural for oneself, gives best life, is something that you easily fall into on free time, something from which you find good life and nice things to do that just you happent olike, so that you are active and in a good mood with a good spirit and so in associating with people momentarily or going to shops and such, maybe one third of the opposite sex makes you think "Oh a woman" or "Oh a man" somehow handsomely, charmingly, pleasantly and you get well along.
On the other hand if you search for how you yourself would be very sexual and charming, then living Life with a big L, while searching for better life according to the rule "Live and let others live" (see this blog's text about it and it's link), maybe brings such in those circles which you like, to which you want to anchor your life. 

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Healthy ways of living (and as a result a singing experience of life)

Quotation from my text (which is a not-yet-ready translation of my Finnish language text ). 

"Healthy natural ages old ways of living (40 advices, some 120 yet untranslated)
Healthy natural ages old ways of living on all areas of life
Healthy mind and spirit

I try to translate from my long Finnish language text. If the style sounds strange, that is a translatiob problem. Please catch the main ideas and never mind the style.

1. Healthy natural ways of living are not a rigid rule or alike for everyone. Instead they are a group of things that are good to have in life and from which there usually is lots of good things coming if you catch the idea in them.
Feeling bad, dark thoughts, depressed, being ill, agitation, lack of energy, etc often are results of a lack of healthy ways of living. But how much you should do each thing in the healthy natural ages old ways of living, in that you need to try some amount and listen to what brings pleasantness and energy.
The healthy ways of living are a loose group of things and may depend on the climate.

2. The basic things in healthy way sof living are healthy food (eat many kinds of things like feels good) in which there is (according to the food circle advice taught in school) vegetablöes, fruits and fish year around. And pleasant varying sports, spending time outdoors and admiring the nature and a touch with the weather and going out just in daylight time.

3. In thinking it is healthy to be practical, use common sense with a landscape like picture of the whole, using one's full understanding, talking about views, independency, learning new things, copying from the wise ones for example from the gurus in the subject or from wise women.

4. In human relationships it is healthy to avoid being stuck to small circles, to avoid being too centered in human relationships, to avoid living on others' expence or too much on their help, healthy to love the nature, being active and following the rule "Live and let others live!" and independency and responsibility that it brings.
Human relationships should be seen as parts of the society and not as some "my thing", in other words moral and landscape like view and the rule "Live and let others live!".
Times change and people get wiser and so Hitler's level of unwise social tactics does not convince others than small children. An adult understands the selfish grounds for moral and can talk others to rhe moral side too.

5. Ideals are needed in life, from one's own dreams to all kinds of wise things with which to get the world to a good state. Ideals can cure the spirit when things seem to fall to a cynical state. Talking about how valuable ideals are and praying can help to make ideals a common tune in the society.

6. There is a Finnish saying: "The morning is wiser than the evening." In the evening are the things that one does like from a rigid form and one fails often or does cumbersomely. In the evening it is not good to start anything that demands a wise view of things and insight. In the morning one has the fracturelessness of one who has just woken up, and one needs to take care to not to disturb that fracturelessness because it is a wiser view to life and it's skills. What was in the evening broken to stuck work like pieces, is one unified fractureless piece in the morning when one with sleepily clumsy movements sits to breakfast table and leaves for work or school. The morning view is wise, it reaches more essential and more profound things than day, and much more than evening - more far reaching too, in the morning it is good to make plans in clumsy slow ways. In the morning one shoudl not copy anything that is evening type.
Like this one gets wiser when one is quite active in the morning in breakfast table and in the bus, so that one's sleepy fracturelessness is not left separate from life like it does if one wakes up lazying long to the morning.
This morning clumsiness's wisdom does not mean stiffness but instead a landscape like view that uses intuition about wise ways together with clumsy fracturelessness.

7. People need many kinds of thinsg to do and somethings something for the sake of variation and  new stimuli, changing vrom old circles to new ones, at least once a week to some new place for a walk or to some happening ro to meet new people.

8. A music hobby brings a pleasant mood and teaches wisdom of life.

9. Following feelings while respecting the rule "Live and let others live!" Feelings need a picture of the whole and healthy mind and spirit. Following feelings does not mean trying to reach too high social position, or the copying or others too diligently or reaching for negative feelings. Instead it means doing things according to positive likings.

10. Doing practical things brings healthy spirit and is an important part of healthy ways of living. It is a part of natural life according to our ages old nature, much like good quality in poems shows or John Steinbeck's books.

11. Doing things healthily amount yourself, that you are not dependent on others, independency of individuals, self-sufficiency and understanding one's self.

12. In the climate of Finland pleasantness and happiness demands a much more sporty way of doing, way of living, rythm and way of moving than in for example Central Europe.

13. The atmoshphere of tree branches, especially of pine when sun shines, is a good model of healthy ways of doing and living: senses open, sporty, feeling, active and friendlily social.

14. Don't be stiff and easily agitated. Be instead lively and ralexed.

15. Thinking is a helper for the feelings, like common sense helps one to achieve one's own felt goals, but in additon one's picture of the world brings along things that are usually considered good like summer holiday, avoiding catastrophes, democracy etc.

16. Being food centered is not a good thing. It takes your energy away and makes you agitated as long as you think of food or eating. It is the same thing as while eating: eating demands concentration which is away from the rest of your life. Forcelessness is a consequence of blood going to the stomach when you eat and just after a meal, and so it is away from giving enrgy to other action. So after a meal you need to take slowly for some time, after one plate maybe half an hour, dependiung on the size of the meal, and only after that continue your other things to do, especially sporty things and physical work. But if you do not think of food, other things to do bring energy and good feeling, but that presuppoises drowning on what you do without any thoughts about food related things. Drowning to interesting things to do brings a good mood after five minutes or a quarter of an hour, sometimes earlier, and it work as energy like sunshine, nature, refreshing plkeasant sports, variation, food, etc That is why you should eat when you need to, so that hunger goes away, the kind of food you feel a temptation for, and leave the food thoughts after you have eaten and start doing other nice things.

17. There aren't just four seasons, instead the seasons changes all the time. A good lenght of thinking about the present season is the lenght of two weeks, for example the beginning and end half of a month, with it's weather, light, possibilities for free time hobbies, vacationor the nearness of vacation, the amount of summer still left, of vacation, of time before some notable time. In addition the weather changes all the time, typically in sequences of a few days with similar weather and single days of different weather. What should I do during these two or three nearest days to enjoy this season to the fullest and to get energy for future challenges? What is a good way to be active on this weather? It is nice sometimes wander in the rain too and to enjoy the weather, and often one wants to grasp every sunny moment to spend time outdoors and in the nature.

18. Motion should be sporty and varying, pleasant, bringing boldness and a good feeling.
"Here is a piece of advice that I have made about increasing the sports talents of all in a way that makes one happier:
"Do not make plans about how to move but decide each second and each fraction of a second anew what right now feels like the best idea about where to move, how to move, in which style, in which attitude, in which mood, with how much eager interest and quickness resulting from that or relaxed awareness or emotionally motivated force,... So you change all the time, your plans change and you learn to pick each fraction of a second just the things that you like best right then to be your goalsetting right then in practice in your movements. So you feel happy and fulfilled. Be wary of boredom and habits."
After maybe a dozen different types of tries bringing experience of this, this piece of advice about moving generalizes to wisodm of life on other areas of life and helps you to continually reach your best or almost. So you don't get stuck at the starting conditions you happen to have but reach your dreams in your daily life."
Try according to this advice first at least a half a minute or some minutes when you feel that you want to get motion, and later more, so you get a superb healthy kind of hobby and grow in many skills getting more fascination to your life.

19. According to my experience of life it is good to take some room for yourself: when you need to, instead of being squeezed undert the demands of others, sit or stand your feet somewhat apart steadily defend your life, and sometimes also aggressively defend yourself without squeezing others. (Just sometimes only, to avoid being squeezed, honestly and not as a habitual role.) Often unneeded agitation is born of being squeezed and so room for oneself brings healthy emotionality to be a part of your daily life.

20. About a healthy attitude toward food:
*Usually those who eat today like felt good yesterday and not like feels good today, get fatter without any real reason (or maybe some are left too thin). According to my experience the next day in what comes to the need of food is somewhat like a half an hour after a meal: if you ate a lot yesterday, you don't need as much food as usual today if you don't have some extra burden like work, and if you ate only a little yesterday, you need more food than usually today.
* The right way to think of food isn't by thoughts but instead spontaneous but with common sense so that if you need a meal and long for something sugary, you would eat the meal first and so avoid eating too much sugar.
* Being food centered takes away your energy. It is important that from thinking of food and from melting food in the stomach there is time and motivation left for other kinds of things to do which in turn brings endurancy and joy of life. That is why it is important that you do not try to avoid eating when you are hungry and that you don't eat too heavily if you don't need so much energy right now.
* A good time scale to think of your need to go to eat something is maybe a half an hour + right now and a few hours needed energy for.
* Easiest are food questions for those who have a leisurely active way of life and a couple of kilos overweight  which means a little bit of stomach but not at all more.
* I ate always right when I thought of food like putting fuel to the tank of a car. I somewhat tasted that food was good but did not stay in the table to feel the atmosphere of a meal. I was not left hingry but I did not eat too heavily, and so I was left with a good mood for other kinds of things to do. I was not overly fond of food but I listened spontaneously my wishes and my need of food each moment.

21. The need of hard realism, making others fight, making them eat and putting them on a diet should each one do to one's self only and not to others, because they are questions of feelings and questions of individual needs and do not apply to anybody else than you yourself. Besides you notice from you yourself things clearer and more detailedly, more sensitively than from things that happen to others. If your make others objects of your own needs, you are brutally deaf to what would be the right amount of each thing for them. In addition you fill a need only if you fiull the need on the person who has that need and that means on yourself. The need of tough realism is usually filled by your own honesty and nothging else.

22. As a young adult I had a nice way of living that others copied from. It was roughly like liberated movements and a nice sports hobby, healthy ways of living and forest trips, "Live and let others live", taking room for oneself in healthy ways according to that rule and leaving room for others and Finnish kind of good will that is born from it, that means independency, freedom and good will, global responsibility, taking care of one's work and getting energy for it from one's favourite hobbies that one enthusiastically practises, variation and open-mindedness and moral.

23. By staying indoors, wearing too thick clothes and drinking lots of hot you can also winter time lift your body temperature as hot as you wish, but too warm body brings a foggy clumsy feeling and fever. You feel much better if your body is somewhat cooler and you youurself much more active ina  sporty way - so that your body creates heat in a natural way and your attention is in doing, looking etc, and not in heat production and movements are brisky.
Lämmittelyohjeita yms

24. You cannot be happy while living half a life thinking that others will live your life for you, instead you need to live a full life as a full person to be happy. Women too need something sporty, active and straight tasting like life in their lives, and men too need something feeling, caring for others and respecting ideals in practise.
How much of each element of a healthy kind of life each individual needs, needs to be chosen by the individual according to what feels good and brings a good life when watched at life as a whole. One should not exåect one's spouce to be specialized to your dreams and values, instead you should yourself fill your dreams and not pour them upon your spouce or kids.

25. Look at a growing tree while thinking of life and the of the world and trust in the emotional wisdom you at those occasions find inside yourself. Look at a atree also when you think of social relationships and trust in those solutions that appear easy and have a sense of atmoshpheres, that you find when looking at a tree.

26.See this blogs's point "Live and let others live!"

27. One likes one kind of life and another of another kind of life, even needs are different. The healthy natural ways of living aren't the same to all but instead vary from person to person like "Do something that you like.", which you can choose yourself (in a morally ok way).

28. Care the world to a good state - often for example by being responsible in the things that you affect. Many things are such that when they are lacking there comes problems, and if there are too much of them comes another kind of problems, but roughly the right amount brings a good result. If something bothers you, it usually feels that things were healthier if that too had been taken care of. So what is healthy means many kinds of things some easy and some demand for examle a better social picture of the world and a picture of the whole with moral too. Usually healthy state means among other things that questions of money are taken care of and moral roughly and healthy mind and spirit.

29. In close relationships if you try to do everything together you typically get frustrated or agitated at how different the other person is, to the problems and unpleasant things those differencies bring. People have different needs and so they tune the amount of each element and the level of skill to different amount needing something hugely and something not at all, and so either one feels lousy if they do things too closely together. But if they do some part of things done together but each one with one's own style, rythm and energy, along one's own motivation, and the rest of things individually on one's own, then both feel well and human relationships work.

30. A forced rythm isn't good since it leaves away in a hurry wisdom of life and using multiple perspectives, ways of doing and motivation factors, which narrows possible benefits to the officially reached for. On the other hand if one has lots of time and nothing to do, it proiduces a forceless way of doing, one kind of loses touch with the side of the world which is full of action. That is why it would be good to have things to do both in a hurry and in one's own rythm, so as to have both usefulness and taste of life, and time to enjoy and do in wise ways. Also free time is nicer if one does not use it all lazying.

31. Usually it cleans the atmosphere if one at least in some way is capable of defending oenself, for example sporty, sturdy and with quick enough reactions to slam the door closed before criminals. Also social skills and a good mood help in self-defence. Martial arts aren't fighting but they are sports: it is good for one's ability to defend oneself if one has at least sometimes thought of what to do if someone hits or kicks you: step away from it's way a step or two of course, depending on the leght and direction of the kick, so it is a question of sports and not of fighting.
If one does not have any self-defence ability, one easily starts to demand from others respecting tough rationality, even if the lack if´s great just on oneself and not on others, and keeps as unofficial forefigures evil people as if they understood the world, even though evil people are typically short sighted in their social eye and their tendency to fight is a consequence of them being continually in trouble and not of it being really needed in the world. What is needed, is self-defence ability, and a good mood. Social tangles get solved by loving the nature and a habit of looking at landscapes which prevents collisions.
For the same reason a country needs it's military service: to safeguard defence ability and to prevent being a victim.

32. Healthy ways of living should not be a rigid rule forced upon, which makes healthy ways of living difficult and not at all nice to follow. Instead they should be a some kind of guide to better life. Instead of keeping them as a rigid rule, one should have as an advice that live like brings a good life to you and is morally ok, good in the world.

33. The advice "If you are hungry, eat so that you no longer are hungry." is more important than recommendations about how much energy to have in your food. On the other hand it is good to remember that one should not make it a habit what once was a spontaneous reaction, but instead eat according to how much and what kind of moment you at each occasiuon need. One should also do so much all kinds of nice things with healthy spirit that one does not eat because of longing for positive content to life or nice things to do.

34. If you do like feels good for you and correct somewhat toward healthy spirit and healthy ways of living according to what feels a nice feeling with a healthy psirit,that often is easier and more naturally motivated tahn to try rigidly toward the healthy ways of living. You can take the next step as more skilled and understanding better the usefulness and ideas in healthy natural ways of living. Be spontaneous and moral.

35. About getting things done and getting rid of too much laziness
When I have somethingthat I want to do, I should not think about it when I am about to start doing it, not think in general theory perspective but instead via it's personal meaningfullness ti me: what is it's place in my actions and in my emotional motivations. So for example my ukulele isn't in connection with my paradise theory an instrument of the paradise islands but a nice little instrument with a nice beautiful sound with which I would like t learn to play. And motion isn't needed as a part of healthy natural ways of living but my own spontaneous wish and a thing that makes my days better.

36. From Runeberg's day yesterday 5. February came t my mind that from Runeberg's poems one gets a view on how to live wisely the February: outdoors sportily in freezing temperatures enjoying the wintery beauty and toch of life in nature and people's buzz, come then indoors to get warm, invite friends and aquiantages for a visit, discuss also highly inspiring civiliced things and collect and admire the jewels of different areas of life and of wisdom of life to lighten up the time one is forced to be indoors and for the warmth of feelings and the space for life and for the better functioning of human relationships.

37. Motion should not be your own body exercise at home or the like because such easily becomes trying to achieve good looks or acting a convincing style, which brings a bad feeling because it is an artificiality that comes too near to one's self, one's identity. Instead one should move naturally in a group in sight of people, move in natural personal ways.
Moving should have an emotional motivation that is a momentary temptation which immediately leads to movement accordingly, and on teh next second a new temptation motivating and guiding movement, so not a thought. "I will quickly run there!" and starting to movement is one example of an emotionally motivated movement.
Motion should be fun and that's why different people fit to different sports according to their personality and picking from the district's possibilities for psorts hobby, but not for good looks or reputation like dance - if dance then for fun and not as pretending. Pretending brings worst feeling if it demands detailedly how you should be. So better dance freely jenkka or chacha tahn pretend forms and style.

38. There aren't much content to life left if one only sits reading and drinks tea, because with lots of tea in yoru stomach you don't feel well when moving and being active. Drinking tea also makes you cooler, since you get a habit of staying unmoving at one place in cool, wehn your whole body with the tea in stomach cools, so you get cooler than without tea since otherwise you would have moved, fetched a blanket around you, gone outdoors etc.
If you copy skills from others you do not learn to build them yourself. Instead of copying almost acting from very much wiser with wisdom of life, you should drown to the basic level of doing. One can get ideas from forefigures but one should not hang on them even mentally or in questions of skill.
Engineer like has dropped away other kinds of observations and is so more stupid than person with common sense, and isn't with wisdom of life. One who studies too much concentrates also only on taught things and does not learn personal skills via experience of life in it's richness. One who does only one thing in school like way is left poor in spirit, without a wider understanding and richness of life that comes via experience of life, to which ground new skills, inventions, content to life, wisdom of life, energy, variation and the enrgy brought by variation. Official achievement are just something by some scjool like way of measuring, not the highlights of life. The highlights are different for each, different things and different sides even in things that sound the same. Also skills are build on a different loading that can have something taht sounds the same, like free time but spend in different weays, getting inspiration of different things.

39. One who has the skill of healthy ways of living thinks propably that nothing so that it brings a bad feeling and one gets somewhat ill or even ill compared to how one would otherwise be. Of everything a suitable amount in a natural way according to feelings or with wisdom so that one feels good and is healthy and takes care that life has also lot of other things bringing content to life and energy.

40. If you have experience of life after school years, you should not mocve rememebering school times but instead based on your adult skills, according to feelings and not according to some rigid rule. Rigid rules and school likedness raen'ät good for school kids either, instead one should drown in to the action of moving listening to body sensations being motivated with feelings.

41. If you haven't had much motion for a long time, your physical fitness is weak. Then compare feelings and sensations brought by small amounts of motion to the more tough experiences of your younger years, for example a small amount of motion to 5km walk, so you can understand better how you recover from strenous exercise, how quick and what kind of amount of type of motion would be good in the near future. So if you for example after being interested in exercising and having got some motion, if you then lose your interest for a week, it is just that motion made you tired and you recover for a week and then again you want on a sunny weather for a walk or some other nice kind of motion. Across time step by step physical fitness increases like in younger years.
"Don't burden yourself too heavily. Move in ways that feel good and are according to your emotional motivation. Never do anything that makes you feel at all nasty or brings any pain. If you are in a danger of such, let go at once and try again later in mcuh better ways. (When you have stopped moving, don't stay at one place but after a moment at least move slightly your hands and your feet, so as to not to feel contradictory in sporty mood being stuck at one place.)"

 From my long text about the seasons
"My views on spring aren't so psecial that energy and pleasant mind compared to the season would be only of that, instead practising sports matters a lot. And it isn't so much a certain amount of motion as enjoying practising sports and the endurancy it brings even if there weren't so much sports necessarily. So not sports for good looks but instead some form of sports that one happens to like and good looks, if you need them, come at other times from the good mood that sports bring, energy, nicer looks, lighter feeling activities etc. If your physical fitness is weak, you can increase it with nice type of sports or like I told of the spring tiuredness in connection with light, just some kind of motion that way but freely."
 " The increasing amount of light brings more stimuli, more room for being active, likewise increasing warmth and the ground which is revealed from under the snow is full of all kinds of things to look and to exparience, but somewhat less before the real beginning of the summer.
Looking too demands forces (for attentiuon, posture, liveliness, living according to feelings and for being eager, I mean the muscles connected to these), likewise wandering outdoors and being active after the quiet winter months largely indoors demands forces, and so many in the spring time feel a some kind of spring fatigue.
Instead of shifting at one single try to spring mode,if lightness makes you tired and it is still cold outdoors, you can sometimes at sunny moments look for a few seconds at sunny spots, at the liveliness of light and then spend a few moments contemplating that nice feelings, instead of trying to be so full of energy aruptly. When you are tired, you easily doze, but in small pieces with a good motivation the spring is noce and brings forces, and after a week or two you are energetic the whole day and enjoy the spring.
You can also wander outdoors in short pieces: take a few steps along a winding path and take a look at what has been revealed from under the snow, at the seasons of the nature and at the tough living environment of the wild nature, at it's multitude and at the environment in which insects and young birds will soon live. At some other time you can wonder a few such pieces and after a few days spend a longer time outdoors if the weather is sunny.
In the winter time in February one more like remembers life and reads about wisdom of life, spends time indoors doing things well suited to oneself, and so the coming of the spring opens a new richness when there are many possibilities, things to do, and a richness of those, it's meaningfulness after quiet winter life more and more and with increasing possibilities for doing things the weather lifts the life to such heights that were just a dream in the winter time. Nature, warmth, motion, activitets and social environment's activities outdoors in the garden and the near environment bring life pleasant content and ready people for enjoying the warmer weathers and look at the greenery of summer time."

"Here a piece of advice that brings happiness, fits all and increases sports talents:"Do not make plans about how to move but decide each second and each fraction of a second anew what right now feels like the best idea about where to move, how to move, in which style, in which attitude, in which mood, with how much eager interest and quickness resulting from that or relaxed awareness or emotionally motivated force,... So you change all the time, your plans change and you learn to pick each fraction of a second just the things that you like best right then to be your goalsetting right then in practice in your movements. So you feel happy and fulfilled. Be wary of boredom and habits."
After maybe a dozennonformal tries have brought experience, this advice widens to other areas of life and helps you to achieve continually your best, or almost. So you aren't stuck at your starting level determined by environment, but instead reach your dream level in your everyday life."

Sometimes when you have a moment or two extra time and you spend it wandering and looking around, those moments feel like a richer time, rich with experience, multiple sensations and feelings. That is like meditation i.e. a way to happiness and skill. Those richer moments have something to do with it being just a few moments and not some long lasting labour. Something to do with it being like a twinding path from one experience to another, then to next ones and so on. A way to happier life if you can find it. "
(Source: )

42. Healthy ways of living aren't a pile of obscure advices but things that you can learn to notice yourself. At least if you have good common sense, are oriented toward practical life and value life according to feelings and far-sightedness, you can from your own experience of life observe how much is good to do each kind of thing and how it affect your sensations and energy in the lng run, for example in a week or two. You can take into account different sides of things too.
In the capital district of Finland people seem interested in healthy natural ways of living and healthy choises.

43. The basic level of fracturelessness is to have eaten enough, to rest enough and to avoid forced rythm and to avoid artificialities. In addition you need positive variation, love of the nature and a touch with the weather, room for feelings, nice variable motioon and physical fitness, doing things according to one's best understanding, good moral, healthy spirit in social relationships and in the workings of the society, respecting one's own social space, meaningful things to do, challenges and free ways if doing things, free time, etc"

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